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El investigador Rubén Stehberg del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural y Gonzalo Sotomayor de la Universidad Andrés Bello reunieron las pruebas de las investigaciones presentadas en 1976, más documentos históricos, y a esto agregaron nuevas evidencias que demostrarían que, debajo del casco antiguo de Santiago, se encontraría una ciudad incaica, vestigio de la ocupación del Tawantinsuyu en los cursos medios de los ríos Mapocho y Maipo.[n 5]​ La ocupación contaba con reyes y autoridades a lo dilatado de los valles hasta llegar a Mapocho, pero estos habrían sido muertos durante la conquista de Diego de Almagro.

Chuquicamata, the largest open pit copper mine in the world Chile is rich in mineral resources, especially copper and lithium. It is thought that due to the importance of lithium for batteries for electric vehicles and stabilization of electric grids with large proportions of intermittent renewables in the electricity mix, Chile could be strengthened geopolitically.

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Democratic Socialism is a center-left coalition, successor of the Constituent Unity coalition, itself a successor of the Concertation coalition – which supported the "NO" option in the 1988 plebiscite and subsequently governed the country from 1990 to 2010. This pact is formed by the Socialist, for Democracy, Radical, and Demócrata parties.

Territorial losses of the Republic of Chile de jure (by law) according to Chilean historiography.[41] Toward the end of the 19th century, the government in Santiago consolidated its position in the south by the Occupation of Araucanía. The Boundary treaty of 1881 between Chile and Argentina confirmed Chilean sovereignty over the Strait of Magellan but also made the country to renounce to its claims in the rest of East Patagonia after a dispute that started in 1842.

Chile's geographical isolation has restricted the immigration of faunal life so that only a few of the many distinctive South American animals are found.

In September 2005, President Ricardo Lagos signed into law several constitutional amendments passed by Congress. These include eliminating the positions of appointed senators and senators for life, granting the President authority to remove the commanders-in-chief of the armed forces, and reducing the presidential term from six to four years.[109]

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[70]​ Encima, evita el ingreso de masas de flato a excepción de cierta nubosidad disminución costera que penetra en la cuenca a través de los valles fluviales. Los vientos predominantes tienen una dirección desde el suroeste, con una intensidad media de 20 km/h, especialmente durante el verano puesto que en el invierno predominan las calmas.

There are various theories about the origin of the word Chile. According to 17th-century Spanish chronicler Diego de Rosales,[19] the Incas called the valley of the Aconcagua Chili by corruption of the name of a Picunche tribal chief (cacique) called Tili, who ruled the area at the time of the Incan conquest in the 15th century.

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La mayoría de los ríos en este emplazamiento toman sus aguas a partir de los deshielos que se dan en las cordilleras durante el verano y por el invierno. Algunos lagos importantes como el Maule, Colbún y Rapel pertenecen a la hidrografía chilena.

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